Design Methodology

First, I "Visualise" the mechanic and how it works within the game world outlining the possible interaction that the player may have with the mechanic. This involves creating diagrams and excel sheets to evaluate the impact it will have on the game.

Second "Prototype" This is the most important part involving two main focuses build the mechanic in a white box world. Focusing on implementing it as well as possible but the intention of making it work if that means making the code ugly for now, do it, we need to "Test". Followed by testing this by your self, to random people. If you can watch them testing the mechanic see what they enjoy and make it more prominent while removing or limiting the elements that they don't appear to like.

Third "Feedback" adding in as much feedback to the player as possible Audio, Visual, Tactile tell the player in as many ways as possible that they are doing something correctly. This section also including cleaning up any code or parts that could slow down the game in any way.

ValiVictorian is an exploration of imparting meaningful information to the player while focusing on creating an interesting core mechanic. Each puzzle in the game imparts gives more information to the player a pun completing a puzzle. While working on this project was lead programmer and Game Designer. Thought-out design processes each puzzle was created with the intention to be completed by ether working it out or brute force. This allows the game to be accessible to more players.

This game is accessible on both Steam and

Wizz’s Bounce Fiasco is a small game that is procedurally generated within the confines of the code I set out, for this game I completed all parts of the development within three days. It was part of a two game jams on

The game follows the basic structure of a rouge lite in its level generation, and object placement. This I completed within a simple nested for loop. This felicitates the placement of the objects with a percentage chance that increases as the player progressed in levels.

Infection Detection is also generated via the same coding concept presented in Wizz’s Bounce Fiasco. This allows the quick development of and interaction of levels. This game was a prototype that focus on giving the player overwhelming control over a game. This was to get a better understanding of what level of control a player would become overwhelmed with.

Pushing players to their limits using controls that they are familiar with can result in interesting and unique game play. This game was also created as part of a team where I was the programmer.
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